Oregon Statutes - Chapter 479 - Protection of Buildings From Fire; Electrical Safety Law - Section 479.280 - Lack of properly operating smoke alarm or smoke detector; complaint; investigation; citation.

(1) If a rental dwelling unit is not equipped with the required smoke alarm or smoke detector, or if the smoke alarm or smoke detector is not operating properly and the owner or the owner’s authorized agent has not installed a properly operating smoke alarm or smoke detector within 10 days after receiving written notice from the tenant of the deficiency, the tenant may file a complaint with the State Fire Marshal or the appropriate official charged with the duty of providing fire protection services within the local jurisdiction.

(2) Upon receipt of a complaint filed under subsection (1) of this section, the State Fire Marshal or the appropriate local fire official shall investigate the alleged violation of ORS 479.250 to 479.300. If the State Fire Marshal or appropriate local fire official finds that the landlord has failed to install a properly operating smoke alarm or smoke detector in the unit under investigation, the State Fire Marshal or local fire official may issue a citation which shall substantially conform to the requirements for a citation under ORS chapter 153.

(3) In the absence of a complaint from the tenant, the State Fire Marshal or an appropriate local fire official may initiate the citation process by presenting the owner with a written notice of the deficiency and specifying a period of not less than 10 days for compliance.

(4) If the State Fire Marshal or appropriate local fire official finds that the landlord of a hotel or lodging house has failed to comply with the requirements of ORS 479.255 (2) or (3), the State Fire Marshal or local fire official may issue a citation which shall substantially conform to the requirements for a citation under ORS chapter 153. [1979 c.642 §7; 1981 c.309 §1; 1989 c.247 §6; 1999 c.307 §8; 1999 c.1051 §135]

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Last modified: August 7, 2008