Oregon Statutes - Chapter 554 - Corporations for Irrigation, Drainage, Water Supply or Flood Control - Section 554.019 - Certificate of existence.

(1) Anyone may apply to the Secretary of State to furnish a certificate of existence for a corporation formed under ORS 554.005 to 554.340.

(2) A certificate of existence when issued means that:

(a) The corporation’s corporate name is registered in this state;

(b) The corporation is duly incorporated under ORS 554.005 to 554.340 or chapter 172, Oregon Laws 1911;

(c) All fees payable to the Secretary of State under ORS 554.005 to 554.340, 554.420, 554.440 and 554.510 to 554.590 have been paid, if nonpayment affects the existence or authorization of the corporation;

(d) An annual report required by ORS 554.315 has been filed by the Secretary of State within the preceding 14 months; and

(e) Articles of dissolution have not been filed by the Secretary of State.

(3) A person may apply to the Secretary of State to issue a certificate covering any fact of record. [1987 c.94 §144; 1991 c.132 §33]

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Last modified: August 7, 2008