Guy Schoenecker, Inc., Business Incentives, Inc., and Carousel By Guy, Inc. - Page 8

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               The sales, other income which was principally interest                 
          income, total revenues, and net income before taxes, of BI for              
          book purposes for its fiscal years 1981 through 1991 were as                
                                                            Net income                
                    Sales     Other income    Revenues    before taxes                
          3/31/81   $39,213,635   $857,938          --       $1,929,356               
          6/30/81     9,781,114    290,969     $10,072,083      600,972               
          6/30/82    38,857,285    923,654      39,780,939      599,321               
          6/30/83    35,347,336    513,695      35,861,031   (1,564,606)              
          6/30/84    65,700,275    702,776      66,403,051    2,409,636               
          6/30/85    72,255,521    764,275      73,019,796      (50,720)              
          6/30/86    81,916,703    829,481      82,746,184    1,752,870               
          6/30/87    94,305,548    962,317      95,267,865    4,098,466               
          6/30/88   112,993,217  1,725,585     114,718,802    6,871,287               
          6/30/89   143,612,396  4,476,187     147,088,583    9,650,154               
          6/30/90   159,302,147  2,822,959     162,125,106   11,430,723               
          6/30/91   149,671,091  2,045,944     151,717,035    2,805,387               

               On April 1, 1974, BI and Mr. Schoenecker entered into a                
          written employment agreement whereby BI employed Mr. Schoenecker            
          as its president and chief executive officer (CEO).  Mr.                    
          MacDonald signed the agreement on behalf of BI.  At the time the            
          employment agreement was entered into, Mr. MacDonald was the vice           
          president and a director of BI, as well as a 50-percent                     
          stockholder.  The employment agreement provided that Mr.                    
          Schoenecker would act as BI's president and CEO, and that he                
          would devote his attention and best skills and energies toward              
          the profit, benefit, and advantage of BI.  The employment                   
          agreement provided for BI to pay Mr. Schoenecker a base salary of           
          $9,000 a month ($108,000 per year) and an annual bonus of 8                 

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Last modified: May 25, 2011