Guy Schoenecker, Inc., Business Incentives, Inc., and Carousel By Guy, Inc. - Page 21

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                                      Proxy Analysis - CEO Pay                                             
                            Cash Compensation - Top Paid Individual                                        
            Company          1988        1989       1990        1991                                       
            Dimark,          N/A         N/A        N/A       $555,909                                     
            Foote Cone     $540,000    $715,000   $715,000     615,000                                     
            & Belding                                                                                      
            Grey Adv.,    1,558,784   1,748,268  1,943,815   1,979,855                                     
            Greenstone      305,000     250,000    377,051     367,000                                     
            Interpublic   1,652,525   1,705,044  1,635,232   1,437,983                                     
            Group of                                                                                       
            Laser            N/A          N/A        N/A       109,826                                     
            Centers, Inc.                                                                                  
            Omnicom Group   780,000     957,500  1,053,750   1,168,750                                     
            75th %tile      965,600     964,800  1,106,100     955,7005                                    
            Regression Est.                                                                                
            1 Employment contract (9/89) calls for base of $312,000 plus                                   
            15% of pretax earnings greater than $1,250,000.                                                
            2 Employment agreement (2/84) calls for employment through                                     
            1990 with annual base of $1.3 million (1988); agreement                                        
            amended to increase base pay to $1.5 million (1989) and                                        
            $1.7 million (1990-1991).                                                                      
            3 Employment agreement calls for base salary of $365,000 and                                   
            bonus equal to 3% of EBIT (through 1994).                                                      
            4 Employment contract which, in 1992, calls for employment                                     
            through 6/96 and base of $965,000.                                                             
            5 The 75th percentile regression estimate is a variation of                                    

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Last modified: May 25, 2011