Wilburn C. Hall, Jr. - Page 58

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        Cohan v. Commissioner, supra; see also Finley v. Commissioner, 255            
        F.2d 128, 133 (10th Cir. 1958), affg. 27 T.C. 413, 425 (1956).                
              (1 ) Depreciation                                                       
             As shown in table 7, supra, petitioner claims depreciation               
        deductions for a pickup truck, a house trailer, an airplane, and a            
        tractor and implements.                                                       
             Petitioner used the 1981 Chevrolet pickup truck in his law               
        practice and Hall Farms. As we have pointed out, petitioner is not            
        permitted to deduct expenses of his corporations, but he is                   
        permitted to deduct his expenses of the trades or businesses he               
        conducted directly--his law practice and Hall Farms. Petitioner               
        has not shown us what was the amount of his depreciable basis in              
        the pickup truck, nor how much of the use of the pickup truck was             
        for deductible business purposes, as distinguished from use for               
        the businesses of the Corporations and from use for petitioner's              
        personal purposes.                                                            
             Yet, in 1982 the pickup truck was relatively new and                     
        petitioner paid $1,087 interest on a loan to finance this truck.              
        From this we conclude, and we have found, that petitioner had a               
        depreciable basis in the pickup truck in 1982. Also, we have found            
        that petitioner used this pickup truck to some extent in his law              
        practice and Hall Farms activities.                                           
             Once we are convinced that there was some trade or business              
        use and that there was some depreciable basis, we are not free to             
        disallow all depreciation deductions merely because we cannot tell            

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