Wilburn C. Hall, Jr. - Page 60

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        for any year before us other than for 1982.                                   
             We hold for respondent on this issue, except that we hold for            
        petitioner as to $200 for 1982.                                               
             (2) Interest Expense                                                     
             Petitioner paid $102,994 in interest in 1982, and deducted               
        the entire amount on his 1982 tax return as a Schedule C                      
        deduction, supra table 8. He also claimed Schedule C interest                 
        expense deductions for 1983 ($33,599), 1984 ($36,058), and 1985               
        ($24,293). He did not claim such a deduction for 1986.                        
             Petitioner paid $1,087 interest on a loan to finance a pickup            
        truck, which he owned, and used for personal, law practice, Hall              
        Farms, and corporate business purposes. Under section 162(a)                  
        petitioner is entitled to a Schedule C deduction for this expense             
        to the extent that it was an ordinary and necessary expense of his            
        law practice and Hall Farms. Consistent with our discussion as to             
        depreciation on the pickup truck we hold (and we have found) that             
        petitioner is entitled to deduct for 1982 on Schedule C $125 of               
        the claimed $1,087 interest on the debt to finance his pickup                 
        truck. Cohan v. Commissioner, supra; Gerling International Insur.             
        Co. v. Commissioner, supra. The remaining $962 is deductible as an            
        itemized deduction on Schedule A. See secs. 1.163-1(a) and 1.266-             
        1(a)(1), Income Tax Regs.                                                     
             Petitioner paid $4,068 interest on a loan to finance bank                
        stock, which was owned by petitioner and his father. There is no              

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