Hospital Corporation of America and Subsidiaries - Page 45

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          effective date of the amendment to section 1060(a) upon which               
          respondent apparently relies.10                                             
               Because we have found supra at 38-40 that the Reorganization           
          Agreement does not constitute an agreement among the parties as             
          to the fair market value of the Securities, we agree with                   
          petitioners that the provision of section 1060 on which                     
          respondent relies does not apply in the instant case.                       
          Is the Interstate Valuation Admissible as an Admission by                   
               Before we address the substantive issue of the fair market             
          value of the Securities, it is necessary to address an                      
          evidentiary issue.  At trial, respondent proffered a document,              
          the "Interstate Valuation", as proof of the fair market value of            

          10  Sec. 1060(a) as amended by OBRA 90, see supra note 9,                   
          effective generally for acquisitions after Oct. 9, 1990, reads as           
               SEC. 1060.  SPECIAL ALLOCATION RULES FOR CERTAIN ASSET                 
                    (a) General Rule.--In the case of any applicable asset            
               acquisition, for purposes of determining both--                        
                         (1) the transferee's basis in such assets, and               
                         (2) the gain or loss of the transferor with                  
                    respect to such acquisition,                                      
               the consideration received for such assets shall be                    
               allocated among such assets acquired in such acquisition in            
               the same manner as amounts are allocated to assets under               
               section 338(b)(5).  If in connection with an applicable                
               asset acquisition, the transferee and transferor agree in              
               writing as to the allocation of any consideration, or as to            
               the fair market value of any of the assets, such agreement             
               shall be binding on both the transferee and transferor                 
               unless the Secretary determines that such allocation (or               
               fair market value) is not appropriate.  [Emphasis added.]              

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