William and Joan Spears - Page 38

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          his knowledge and investigation of the transaction.  For reasons            
          set forth below, we believe the latter statement more accurately            
          describes what happened here.                                               
          b.  Petitioners' Investment Experience, Sophistication,                     
          and Resources                                                               
               Petitioners claim that they reasonably relied upon Becker              
          when they knew that:  (1) His forte was the tax analysis aspect             
          of so-called tax shelter transactions and (2) he had no                     
          experience or expertise in plastics materials or plastics                   
          recycling.  Yet petitioners' education and professional                     
          experience, and portions of their own testimony in these cases,             
          indicate that they clearly knew better than to rely upon a person           
          for advice on matters beyond his or her expertise.                          
               Petitioners Spears and Farrell are very well educated and              
          exceptionally sophisticated in investment and financial matters.            
          The two have had outstanding careers investing and managing funds           
          for wealthy individuals and institutions; without question they             
          are highly proficient and knowledgeable investors.  During                  
          Farrell's employment at Smith, Barney, approximately $50 million            
          of client funds were Farrell's responsibility.  Spears became a             
          partner at Loeb, Rhoades & Co. less than 10 years after his                 
          initial employment there.  At the time of trial Spears, Benzak              

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Last modified: May 25, 2011