William and Joan Spears - Page 40

                                       - 40 -                                         
          investment, such as the tax shelter department.  Even though                
          Farrell was comfortable with the due diligence efforts at Smith,            
          Barney, he testified that he "very rarely offered" the tax                  
          shelter investments to his clients because he "did not consider             
          himself knowledgeable enough" in the subject areas of the                   
          investments.  Similarly, Farrell testified that he did not rely             
          on Becker for general investment issues because he did not think            
          that was Becker's area of expertise.  Farrell knew that Becker's            
          area of expertise was taxation, and he explained that he would              
          not discuss investments with Becker if they did not have tax                
          c.  Becker's Limited Investigation and Technological                        
          Knowledge and His Emphasis on Disclosure and on                             
          Protection Against Liability                                                
               In evaluating the Plastics Recycling transactions and                  
          organizing the SAB recycling partnerships, Becker supposedly                
          relied upon:  (1) The offering materials; (2) a tour of the PI              
          facility in Hyannis; (3) discussions with insiders to the                   
          transactions; (4) Canno; and (5) his investigation of the                   
          reputation and background of PI and persons involved in the                 
               Becker possessed no education, special qualifications, or              
          professional skills in plastics engineering, plastics recycling,            

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Last modified: May 25, 2011