Leo and Alla Goldberg - Page 43

          Respondent's argument on this issue on brief is that "petitioners           
          must recognize $82,485 of ordinary income from receipt of deeds             
          in lieu of foreclosure."  Petitioners claim that, because "debt             
          extinguishment" is not an issue in this case, petitioners were              
          not adequately warned of the nature of the deficiency alleged by            
               Petitioners had fair warning of respondent's position on               
          this issue.  On brief, petitioners state:  "In preparation for              
          trial, it was first realized that the Respondent was talking                
          about something totally different than debt extinguishment."                
          Emphasis added.  Petitioners had the opportunity to present                 
          pertinent evidence on this issue; therefore, we may fairly                  
          consider it.  However, the evidence that is required to disprove            
          the determination in the deficiency notice is different than that           
          required to meet the position taken by respondent at trial.  See            
          Wayne Bolt & Nut Co. v. Commissioner, 93 T.C. 500, 507 (1989);              
          Colonnade Condominium, Inc. v. Commissioner, 91 T.C. 793, 795 n.3           
          (1988); Estate of Falese v. Commissioner, 58 T.C. 895, 899                  
          (1972).  Thus, respondent bears the burden of proof on this                 
               Respondent contends that petitioners had income from the               
          acceptance of the deeds in lieu of foreclosure, calculated as               

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