Leo and Alla Goldberg - Page 48

          v. Burnet, 286 U.S. 417, 424 (1932).  "The mere fact that income            
          received by a taxpayer may have to be returned at some later time           
          does not deprive it of its character as taxable income when                 
          received."  Woolard v. Commissioner, 47 T.C. 274, 279 (1966).  To           
          avoid the application of the claim of right doctrine, however,              
          the recipient must recognize in the year of receipt an existing             
          and fixed obligation to repay the amount received and must make             
          provisions for repayment.  Hope v. Commissioner, 55 T.C. 1020,              
          1030 (1971), affd. 471 F.2d 738 (3d Cir. 1973).  A restriction on           
          the disposition or the use of the funds may also prevent the                
          application of the claim of right doctrine.  Commissioner v.                
          Indianapolis Power & Light Co., 493 U.S. 203, 209 (1990).                   
          Petitioners have not met these exceptions.                                  
               Petitioner was under a contingent, not a fixed, obligation             
          to repay the funds to Kortava pursuant to their agreement.                  
          Furthermore, while Kortava may have had in mind a restriction on            
          the use of the funds, petitioner deposited the $38,000 in one of            
          his personal accounts, not in one of Coastline's accounts.                  
          Respondent's determination that petitioners failed to report                
          $38,000 that was received from Kortava during 1990 will be                  
          sustained.  In accord with the parties' agreement, a                        
          corresponding reduction will be made in petitioners' 1991                   
          Schedule C income from operation of the vehicle resale business.            
          Schedule C Expenses--1991                                                   
               On their 1991 Schedule C, petitioners claimed expenses                 
          relating to a vehicle resale business and a business school.                

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