Leo and Alla Goldberg - Page 46

          Unreported Income--Interest                                                 
               Respondent determined that petitioners failed to report                
          interest earned on their funds in the name of Shumin.                       
          Petitioners have not presented any argument regarding                       
          respondent's determination other than to assert, in response to             
          respondent's proposed finding of fact, that "respondent offered             
          no evidence on this issue."                                                 
               Petitioners bear the burden of proving that respondent's               
          determination is incorrect.  Rule 142(a).  They failed to offer             
          any proof.  Respondent's determination on this issue will be                
          Schedule C Income--1990                                                     
               Respondent determined that petitioners reported as income in           
          1991 funds that they received in 1990, including approximately              
          $34,544 from Kortava for the business school and $38,000 from               
          Kortava for the vehicle resale business.  Petitioners exercised             
          complete dominion and control over these amounts and, as such,              
          have gross income in the amounts we conclude below.  See James v.           
          United States, 366 U.S. 213, 219 (1961).                                    
               Business School                                                        
               Petitioners have conceded that the proper year for reporting           
          the business school income is 1990, but petitioners have not                
          conceded the amount of income that should be reported.                      
          Petitioners have not presented argument or evidence to show that            
          the amount of respondent's determination, $34,544, is incorrect.            
          Thus, respondent's determination that petitioners' 1990                     

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Last modified: May 25, 2011