Leo and Alla Goldberg - Page 53

          Chorny could not recall whether petitioner lent him money during            
          1990 or 1991 nor could he recall whether he paid money to                   
          petitioner for any reason during 1990 or 1991.  Petitioner's                
          explanation at trial about the existence of loans is not                    
          credible.  For example, petitioner stated that he gave to Chorny            
          a $9,000 check on September 20, 1991, representing a short-term             
          loan that Chorny paid back shortly thereafter.  The $9,000 check            
          that petitioners received from Chorny was dated September 2,                
               Petitioners have not established by a preponderance of the             
          evidence that the checks from Chorny represented loan repayments.           
          Thus, respondent's determination that petitioners failed to                 
          report $20,472 and $9,250 in 1990 and 1991, respectively, as                
          Schedule C income from real estate consulting activities will be            
          15 Hastings--Option Payment                                                 
               Respondent determined that petitioners failed to report on             
          their 1991 return the $10,000 option fee that was received from             
          the Woods.                                                                  
               As part of the lease option agreement for 15 Hastings,                 
          petitioners received an option fee from the Woods in the amount             
          of $10,000.  This amount was deposited with Escrow Masters on               
          November 3, 1989.  The parties have agreed that the option fee              
          was available at any time following the consummation of the                 
          option agreement.  On December 1, 1989, petitioners withdrew the            

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