William J. Fleischaker and Donni L. Fleischaker - Page 11

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               for medical care emergencies and to act in an advisory                  
               capacity for the Van Orden Adult Living Center.                         
               Although petitioner signed the physician certificate                    
          attached to the Van Orden facility's initial license application,            
          he never provided and never intended to provide patient care at              
          the facility.  Petitioner never received any compensation from               
          Adult Living Centers as an officer, director, employee, or                   
          independent contractor.                                                      
               After the probationary period, the Oklahoma State Department            
          of Health issued Adult Living Centers annual licenses to operate             
          the Van Orden facility beginning in January 1984.  The copy of               
          the application for the license effective January 14, 1984, to               
          January 13, 1985, does not have a  licensed physician certificate            
               The license applications dated October 3, 1984, October 1,              
          1985, and October 3, 1986, filed with the Oklahoma State                     
          Department of Health to operate the Van Orden facility from                  
          January 14, 1985, to January 31, 1988, listed Charles Wetz as the            
          administrator.  Petitioner was not the physician who signed the              
          licensed physician certificates attached to the applications.                
               In addition to the nursing care facility, Adult Living                  
          Centers was building a child care center as part of the Van Orden            
          project.  The Van Orden project continued to have construction               
          cost overruns and operating deficits.  By the summer of 1984, the            

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Last modified: May 25, 2011