- 14 - renewal, and automatic monthly billing of contributions had been eliminated. ABS initially solicited petitioner’s members with respect to the credit card program in a communication dated June 15, 1986 (the June 15 communication). The June 15 communication contains letters on Sierra Club stationery, with facsimile signatures by officers of petitioner, informing members of “a new member service” and of the benefits both to members and to petitioner (“royalty fees”). An enclosed brochure invites communication with ABS and states: American Bankcard Services, Inc. is an independent California corporation organized to provide bankcards to the members of various national Affinity Groups as a unique member service and fund raising opportunity. American Bankcard has contracted with the Sierra Club in order to make Sierra Club VISA cards available to members of the Club. Members are instructed to mail their applications to Chase Lincoln. The June 15 communication was mailed to members using petitioner’s nonprofit postage permit. ABS paid for the June 15 communication, including the costs of design, printing, business reply envelopes, postage, and mailing labels. After a member’s application was accepted, the member received a letter congratulating the member “for joining with the Sierra Club and Chase Lincoln First in this important new program” and stating: “The added income to the club [sic] from your use of the card will certainly benefit the Club in its continuing efforts to improve our environment, to keep endangered species alive and to save the wilderness.” That letterPage: Previous 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Next
Last modified: May 25, 2011