Estate of Floy M. Christensen - Page 27

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                    (1)(a)  RCW 11.95.100 and 11.95.110 respectively                  
               apply to a power of appointment created under a will,                  
               codicil, trust agreement, or declaration of trust,                     
               deed, power of attorney, or other instrument executed                  
               after July 25, 1993, unless the terms of the instrument                
               refer specifically to RCW 11.95.100 or 11.95.110 re-                   
               spectively and provide expressly to the contrary.                      
                    (b)  Notwithstanding (a) of this subsection, for                  
               the purposes of this section a codicil to a will, an                   
               amendment to a trust, or an amendment to another in-                   
               strument that created the power of appointment in                      
               question shall not be deemed to cause that instrument                  
               to be executed after July 25, 1993, unless the codicil,                
               amendment, or other instrument clearly shows an intent                 
               to have RCW 11.95.100 or 11.95.110 apply.                              
                    (2)  Notwithstanding subsection (1) of this sec-                  
               tion, RCW 11.95.100 through 11.95.150 shall apply to a                 
               power of appointment created under a will, codicil,                    
               trust agreement, or declaration of trust, deed, power                  
               of attorney, or other instrument executed prior to July                
               25, 1993, if the person who created the power of ap-                   
               pointment had on July 25, 1993, the power to revoke,                   
               amend, or modify the instrument creating the power of                  
               appointment, unless:                                                   
                    (a)  The terms of the instrument specifically                     
               refer to RCW 11.95.100 or 11.95.110 respectively and                   
               provide expressly to the contrary; or                                  
                    (b)  The person creating the power of appointment                 
               was not competent, on July 25, 1993, to revoke, amend,                 
               or modify the instrument creating the power of appoint-                
               ment and did not regain his or her competence to re-                   
               voke, amend, or modify the instrument creating the                     
               power of appointment on or before his or her death or                  
               before the time at which the instrument could no longer                
               be revoked, amended, or modified by the person.                        
               At the time it enacted RCWA 11.95.100, which was effective             
          as of July 25, 1993, the legislature of the State of Washington             
          decided that that section was to apply to any power of appoint-             
          ment created under an instrument executed after that effective              
          date.  See RCWA 11.95.140(1).  The legislature of the State of              

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Last modified: May 25, 2011