Estate of Floy M. Christensen - Page 11

                                       - 11 -                                         
               According to the estate, the transfers of funds represented            
          by the November 1995 checks and the January 1996 checks consti-             
          tute gifts made by decedent because those checks were “authorized           
          and proper disbursements” under the laws of the State of Washing-           
          ton.  In support of its position that the checks in question were           
          authorized and proper disbursements under the laws of the State             
          of Washington, the estate asserts:                                          
                    Washington State law, RCW 30.22.050, provides for                 
               various types of bank accounts, one of which is a joint                
               account.  RCW 30.22.090(2) provides that funds in a                    
               joint account belong to the person depositing the                      
               funds.  Finally, RCW 30.22.040(11) and (14) and RCW                    
               30.22.140 provide that any individual who has the                      
               current right to payment of funds pursuant to the                      
               account agreement may issue checks on the account which                
               the financial institution is authorized to honor. * * *                
               Respondent counters the estate’s position as follows:                  
                    Respondent agrees with Petitioner that Floy                       
               Christensen’s children were authorized by statute to                   
               write checks on the joint account.  Petitioner accu-                   
               rately states that Wash. Rev. Code � 30.22.050 provides                
               for the creation of joint bank accounts and Wash. Rev.                 
               Code � 30.22.090 provides that funds in a joint account                
               belong to the person depositing the funds.  Petitioner                 
               also argues under Wash. Rev. Code � 30.22.140 that any                 
               individual who has the current right to payment of                     
               funds pursuant to the account agreement may issue                      
               checks on the account which the financial institution                  
               is authorized to honor.  Petitioner misconstrues this                  
                    Wash. Rev. Code � 30.22.140 is a provision for the                
               protection of financial institutions when they pay a                   
               depositor named on a joint account who may not be the                  
               actual owner of the funds paid.  Clearly, a depositor                  
               named on a joint account may withdraw all of the funds                 
               in an account.  This ability does not, however, trans-                 
               late into ownership of the funds that are held in the                  
               joint account.  Rather, Wash. Rev. Code � 30.22.090                    

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Last modified: May 25, 2011