Crop Associates-1986, Frederick H. Behrens, Tax Matters Partner - Page 49

                                       - 49 -                                         
               Petitioner’s complaint with respect to respondent’s alleged            
          improper dissemination of grand jury materials fails to establish           
          any ground on which to base any sanction of respondent in this              
          XII.  ”Recalcitrance during discovery, resulting in abnormal                
               prejudicial delay” and “Obstreperousness and stonewalling              
               during the hearing of this matter, causing additional                  
               unwarranted delay, court time and costs.”                              
               In petitioner’s memorandum, he states:                                 
                    Respondent’s counsel throughout the discovery                     
               stage of these proceedings had repeatedly attempted to                 
               prevent the TMP from discovering the full extent of                    
               Respondent’s misconduct.  Later, Respondent attempted                  
               to thwart the TMP, in presenting the misconduct to the                 
                    From June 1990, when the first Tax Court petitions                
               were filed, to the middle of 1994, Respondent failed to                
               comply with discovery requests for answers to                          
               interrogatories and requests for documents, eventually                 
               resulting in sanctions being imposed. (Finding 147.)                   
                    Respondent’s deliberate attempts to obstruct TMP                  
               from learning the truth of his agent’s misconduct                      
               carried over to an attempt to hamper TMP’s presentation                
               of the misconduct in the hearing of this motion.                       
               Respondent refused to stipulate to facts presented to                  
               him, which were proven during the hearing, causing                     
               further needless trial time and further expense to the                 
                    Then, in the hearing, Respondent allowed false and                
               misleading testimony to be introduced and used as the                  
               court’s basis for rulings.  (Finding 148.)                             
               Petitioner’s argument in support of his final two complaints           
          contains a hodgepodge of claims, some of which we have previously           
          disposed of and the remainder of which are meritless.                       

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