James W. and Laura L. Keith - Page 28

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          reportable by Mr. Latzak.  Thus, we hold that to the extent                 
          recomputation applying these adjustments shows that GIA’s net               
          operating loss carryovers do not exceed the amount allowed by               
          respondent for 1993, petitioners are not entitled to deduct such            
          further amounts.                                                            
               To reflect the foregoing and the parties’ concessions,                 

                                                  Decision will be entered            
                                             under Rule 155.                          

               Reviewed by the Court.                                                 
               WELLS, CHABOT, WHALEN, COLVIN, HALPERN, CHIECHI, LARO,                 
          FOLEY, VASQUEZ, GALE, THORNTON, and MARVEL, JJ., agree with this            
          majority opinion.                                                           
               SWIFT and RUWE, JJ., concur.                                           

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