Minnesota Lawyers Mutual Insurance Company and Subsidiaries - Page 38

            “represent actual unpaid losses as nearly as it is possible to                             
            ascertain them.”  Sec. 1.832-4(a)(5), Income Tax Regs.; see                                
            Hanover v. Commissioner, 69 T.C. at 270.                                                   
                           3.  Significance of Actuarial Certification and                             
                               State Review or Lack Thereof                                           
                  For each of the years in issue, Witcraft’s and Teufel’s                              
            actuarial reports certify that petitioner’s unpaid loss reserves                           
            make reasonable provision for petitioner’s unpaid losses and                               
            loss expenses.  The record does not establish, however, that                               
            this certification was meant to be equivalent to the regulatory                            
            requirement that petitioner’s reserves be “fair and reasonable”                            
            within the meaning of section 1.832-4(b), Income Tax Regs.                                 
            Given the wide variance between petitioner’s carried reserves                              
            and the appointed actuaries’ best estimates, it is unclear that                            
            any such equivalence was intended.  Indeed, because Teufel and                             
            Witcraft each anticipated that their opinions would                                        
            be reviewed by the State regulator,27 it would appear likely that                          
            their focus was on conservatism and petitioner’s solvency.                                 
                  For 1993, the department reviewed petitioner’s reserves and                          
            determined that they were “adequate”.  For 1994 and 1995, the                              
            department accepted petitioner's filing of the annual statements                           
            without any adjustments.  Although this is a positive factor in                            
            evaluating the fairness and reasonableness of petitioner’s                                 

                  27 Each of the Teufel opinions states:  “This statement of                           
            opinion is intended solely for filing with state regulatory                                
            agencies.”  The Witcraft opinion contains a similar statement.                             

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Last modified: May 25, 2011