Carol M. Read, et al. - Page 42

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          avoiding whipsaw to the Government in cases where section 1041(a)           
          applies by specifying how we treat the nontransferring spouse;              
          i.e., “deeming” certain facts to have occurred.  That is, under             
          section 1041(b) and the penultimate sentence of Q&A-9, Ms. Read             
          is deemed to have transferred her MMP stock to Mr. Read, and Mr.            
          Read is deemed to have transferred it to MMP to be redeemed.                
          Thus, if section 1041(a) applies, we are required to assume that            
          the stock MMP redeemed was Mr. Read’s, not Ms. Read’s.                      
               Application of these two principles will properly implement            
          Congressional intent both for section 1041(a), in making transac-           
          tions between spouses tax free, and section 1041(b), in insuring            
          against whipsaw of the Government.  For convenience in this                 
          concurring opinion, I refer to this analysis as the “section                
          1041(b)-Q&A-9 theory.”                                                      
               The dissenting opinion of Judge Ruwe emphasizes the impor-             
          tance of achieving symmetrical results between spouses in the               
          stock redemption context if section 1041 applies.  However, it              
          does not rely on the section 1041(b)-Q&A-9 theory.  Instead, it             
          would apply what, for convenience, I will call the “primary and             
          unconditional obligation requirement” theory, derived from law              
          developed before section 1041 was enacted.  In this concurrence,            
          I contend that the section 1041(b)-Q&A-9 theory is as effective             
          in preventing whipsaw in the stock redemption context if section            
          1041(a) applies as the primary and unconditional obligation                 

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