- 46 - account that it maintained for Sandbar Wholesale Trust. The January 28, 1997 notice indicated that Ms. Beamon had made a claim for unemployment compensation and that there was a poten- tial liability for unemployment insurance benefit charges as a result of that claim. On February 3, 1997, Mr. Barmes wrote the following state- ment, which he signed as general manager, on the bottom of a copy of the January 28, 1997 notice: “Sandbar Wholesale Trust did not open an account with Indiana Department of Workforce Development. Sandbar Wholesale Trust does not now [have] or ever have [sic] had employees”. On March 3, 1997, the Department of Workforce Development issued another notice (March 3, 1997 notice) addressed to “Sand- bar Wholesale Trust, Barbara’s Gift Shop, 120 Main Street, Vincennes, IN 47591". That notice showed the same Department of Workforce Development employer account number for Sandbar Whole- sale Trust as shown on the January 28, 1997 notice. The March 3, 1997 notice indicated that Ms. Beamon had made a claim for unemployment compensation and that there was a potential liabil- ity for unemployment insurance benefit charges as a result of that claim. At the bottom of a copy of the March 3, 1997 notice, on March 6, 1997, Susan Thomas Barmes signed the following typed statement as trustee and “without prejudice”: “Sandbar WholesalePage: Previous 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 Next
Last modified: May 25, 2011