Zinovy Brodsky - Page 45

                                       - 131 -                                         
          “listed property” is defined in section 280F(d)(4) to include                
          cellular telephones.  Sec. 280F(d)(4)(A)(v).  Although, as                   
          required by section 274(d)(4), petitioner substantiated the                  
          respective amounts of the cellular telephone expenses that he                
          paid during 1991 and 1992, on the instant record, we find that               
          petitioner has failed to show that he satisfies the remaining                
          substantiation requirements of section 274(d)(4) and the regula-             
          tions thereunder.  Petitioner did not introduce into evidence                
          adequate records to satisfy those requirements.  Consequently,               
          petitioner may satisfy those requirements only by introducing                
          into the record in this case sufficient evidence corroborating               
          his own statements.  Sec. 274(d)(4); sec. 1.274-5T(c)(1), Tempo-             
          rary Income Tax Regs., 50 Fed. Reg. 46016-46017 (Nov. 6, 1985).              
          As discussed above, petitioner relies on his self-serving testi-             
          mony to support his contention that the cellular telephone                   
          expenses at issue constitute ordinary and necessary expenses paid            
          in carrying on his Schedule C business.  We are not required to,             
          and we shall not, rely on that testimony.  On the instant record,            
          we find that petitioner has failed to carry his burden of intro-             
          ducing into the record in this case sufficient evidence corrobo-             
          rating his statements with respect to his alleged business use of            
          his cellular telephone lines during 1991 and 1992.  On the record            
          before us, we find that petitioner has failed to carry his burden            
          of establishing that he satisfies all of the substantiation                  

               the expense or other item * * *.                                        

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