Zinovy Brodsky - Page 50

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          (2) his basis in the Church Street property is the cost of such              
          property, sec. 1012.                                                         
               Petitioner contends that the copies of the front sides of               
          two checks totaling $47,600 dated May 2 and May 18, 1990, respec-            
          tively, which show that they were payable to Markfel Realty                  
          (petitioner’s two checks to Markfel Realty), represented “peti-              
          tioner’s cost basis in the [Church Street] property.”  We are not            
          persuaded by those copies, which the Court admitted into the                 
          record in this case solely as the front sides of those two                   
          checks,89 that they are the front sides of two checks that                   

          trial in this case that the Church Street property was land that             
          was to be developed.  Petitioner also described the Church Street            
          property in petitioner’s answering brief as a “vacant lot”.                  
          However, in the 1991 and 1992 joint returns filed by petitioner              
          and Ms. Brodsky, they reported the Church Street property as                 
          rental property.  Petitioner also took the position that the                 
          Church Street property was rental property at the further trial              
          in this case and in petitioner’s opening brief.  If we were to               
          accept petitioner’s position at the trial that the Church Street             
          property was land to be developed and not rental property, on the            
          instant record, we find that petitioner has failed to carry his              
          burden of showing what, if any, adjustments to basis under sec.              
          1016 petitioner is required to make under sec. 1011(a) in order              
          to determine his adjusted basis in that property.  If we were to             
          accept petitioner’s position in Schedules E of the 1991 and 1992             
          joint returns and at the further trial that the Church Street                
          property was rental property and not land to be developed, on the            
          instant record, we find that petitioner has failed to carry his              
          burden of showing the decrease required by sec. 1016(a)(2) in his            
          basis in that property, determined under sec. 1012 (i.e., the                
          cost), for depreciation allowed or allowable, whichever is                   
          greater, under sec. 167(a). See Reithmeyer v. Commissioner, 26               
          T.C. 804, 815 (1956).                                                        
               89Although we are satisfied from the copy of the front side             
          of petitioner’s check to Markfel Realty dated May 2, 1990, that              
          that check was negotiated, we are not satisfied from that copy or            

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