Zinovy Brodsky - Page 47

                                       - 133 -                                         
          cord, we find that petitioner has failed to carry his burden of              
          showing that UVW’s December 18, 1992 check was paid pursuant to a            
          guaranty that petitioner provided on a loan from Mr. Vulis to MP             
          Electronics.84  On the record before us, we find that petitioner             
          has failed to carry his burden of establishing that he is enti-              
          tled for 1992 to a $20,000 deduction under section 166 for the               
          payment of a loan guaranty.                                                  

          MP Electronics and that petitioner was a guarantor on any such               
          loan.  We infer from petitioner’s failure to proffer any such                
          documentary evidence that any such evidence does not exist and               
          that, if it does exist, it would not have substantiated peti-                
          tioner’s position with respect to UVW’s December 18, 1992 check.             
          We also note that, when Mr. Raja was questioned about the claimed            
          loan and guaranty in question, he gave inconsistent testimony.               
          We further note that, when Mr. Vulis was questioned about UVW’s              
          December 18, 1992 check, he had no recollection of either that               
          check or the name MP Electronics.  Nor could Mr. Vulis recall                
          whether Commonwealth Enterprises had entered into any transac-               
          tions with Mr. Raja.                                                         
               84Assuming arguendo that petitioner had established that                
          UVW’s December 18, 1992 check was paid to satisfy his guaranty of            
          a loan from Mr. Vulis to M.P. Electronics, on the record before              
          us, we find that petitioner has failed to carry his burden of                
          establishing that he satisfies the requirements of sec. 1.166-9,             
          Income Tax Regs., and that therefore he is entitled under sec.               
          166 to a business bad debt deduction for 1992 with respect to                
          that payment.                                                                
               Although not altogether clear, it appears that petitioner               
          contends in the alternative to deducting the $20,000 payment                 
          under sec. 166 that that payment is deductible under sec. 162(a).            
          On the instant record, we find that petitioner has failed to                 
          carry his burden of showing that the $20,000 payment at issue is             
          an ordinary and necessary expense paid during 1992 in carrying on            
          his Schedule C business.  On the record before us, we find that              
          petitioner has failed to carry his burden of establishing that he            
          is entitled under sec. 162(a) to a deduction for 1992 for the                
          $20,000 payment at issue.                                                    

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