Zinovy Brodsky - Page 38

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               Section 166 allows a taxpayer to deduct any business debt               
          which becomes wholly or partially worthless during the taxable               
          year.  Sec. 166(a), (d)(1)(A).  Section 166 also allows a tax-               
          payer who guaranties a debt and makes a payment pursuant to that             
          guaranty to deduct that payment, provided that the taxpayer                  
          satisfies the requirements of section 1.166-9, Income Tax Regs.              
               Claimed Interest Deductions                                             
               Petitioner contends that he is entitled to deduct for 1991              
          and 1992 interest payments that he made on petitioner’s equity               
          line account during those years in the amounts of $1,632.18 and              
          $1,176.48, respectively.  Petitioner also contends that he is                
          entitled to deduct for 1992 interest of $1,250 that he claims he             
          paid on an alleged business loan from Mr. Kroma.                             
               With respect to the interest payments on petitioner’s equity            
          line account that are at issue, we have found that petitioner                
          paid interest in the respective amounts of $1,632.18 and                     
          $1,176.48 on that account during 1991 and 1992.  Prior to the                
          filing of petitioner’s opening brief, petitioner took the posi-              
          tion that he is entitled to deduct 50 percent of those interest              
          payments because he “incurred these expenses in conducting his               
          business”.  On brief, petitioner contends that he is entitled to             
          deduct all of the interest payments that he made during 1991 and             
          1992 on petitioner’s equity line account because that account                
          “was used primarily for business and the production of income.”              
          We infer, and we conclude, from petitioner’s argument that he                
          used petitioner’s equity line account “primarily” for business               

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Last modified: May 25, 2011