Zinovy Brodsky - Page 33

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               In order to compute gross income, gross receipts are reduced            
          by cost of goods sold.  Sec. 1.61-3(a), Income Tax Regs.  A                  
          taxpayer must show his entitlement to the cost of goods sold                 
          claimed and keep sufficient records to substantiate such cost.               
          See sec. 1.6001-1(a), Income Tax Regs.; see also Rule 142(a).                
               In support of petitioner’s position with respect to the cost            
          of goods sold at issue, petitioner contends that the following               
          canceled checks, cashier’s checks, and credit card charges                   
          represented amounts paid to the payees shown below in order to               
          acquire certain merchandise for resale in UVW’s business:                    

          We disagree.  We have found that, pursuant to Rule 37(c), peti-              
          tioner is deemed to have admitted the affirmative allegations in             
          that amendment to answer relating to the claimed cost of goods               
          sold for 1993.                                                               
               Petitioner did not raise as an issue in petitioner’s further            
          trial memorandum, presented no evidence at trial and at further              
          trial, and makes no argument on brief as to certain amounts of               
          claimed cost of goods sold disallowed for 1991, 1992, and 1993               
          that petitioner placed in dispute in the petition and that                   
          respondent has not conceded.  We conclude that petitioner has                
          abandoned contesting those disallowed amounts of claimed cost of             
          goods sold.  See Rybak v. Commissioner, 91 T.C. at 566 n.19.                 

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Last modified: May 25, 2011