Zinovy Brodsky - Page 26

                                       - 114 -                                         
               With respect to the July 9, 1993 alleged MZ Trading-related             
          deposit at issue of $6,450, petitioner contends that that de-                
          posit, which we have found was derived from a $6,450 check from              
          Commonwealth Enterprises, represented “a reimbursement for the               
          shipping of candies to Mr. Ivenin relating to MZ Trading trade               
          number 6" reflected in MZ Trading’s purported 1993 transaction               
          summary.70  In support of that contention, petitioner relies on              
          his self-serving testimony, on which we are not required to, and             
          we shall not, rely.71  On the record before us, we find that                 

               70The nature of the alleged transaction number 6 reflected              
          in MZ Trading’s purported 1993 transaction summary is not legi-              
               71Petitioner failed to offer into evidence any credible                 
          documentary evidence regarding the July 9, 1993 alleged MZ                   
          Trading-related deposit at issue.  We infer from petitioner’s                
          failure to proffer any such documentary evidence that any such               
          evidence does not exist and that, if it does exist, it would not             
          have substantiated petitioner’s position with respect to that                
               Petitioner questioned Mr. Vulis about the $6,450 check from             
          Commonwealth Enterprises that was the source of the July 9, 1993             
          alleged MZ Trading-related deposit at issue.  Mr. Vulis testified            
          as follows with respect to that check:                                       
               A    * * * It’s a check drawn on Commonwealth Enter-                    
                    prise [sic] checkbook.  I have very bad copy, but                  
                    it’s for $6,450, I guess.                                          
               Q    And was payable to whom?                                           
               A    To Mr. Brodsky.                                                    
               Q    For what purpose?                                                  
               A    Well, as far as I can recall, looking at that                      
                    check, it says J.B., 25 percent 25,000, which                      
                    means jelly-beans, 25 percent out of $25,000.                      

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Last modified: May 25, 2011