Zinovy Brodsky - Page 19

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               We turn now to petitioner’s contentions with respect to each            
          of the alleged MZ Trading-related deposits.62  With respect to               
          the first such deposit at issue on February 10, 1993 of $23,891,             
          petitioner contends that that deposit, which we have found was               
          derived from a $23,891 check from Commonwealth Enterprises,                  
          represented a gross receipt of MZ Trading that MZ Trading re-                
          ported in its Form 1065 for 1993 and that “relates to MZ Trading             
          trade number 2 [a transaction for the purchase of shoes reflected            
          in MZ Trading’s purported 1993 transaction summary], less ship-              
          ping costs”.  In support of that contention, petitioner relies on            
          Mr. Guterman’s testimony, on which we are not required to, and we            
          shall not, rely.63  On the record before us, we find that peti-              
          tioner has failed to carry his burden of establishing that that              

               62In considering petitioner’s contentions with respect to               
          each of the alleged MZ Trading-related deposits, we shall not                
          restate that we are not required to, and we shall not, rely on               
          Mr. Jordan’s testimony, including his expert report and the                  
          addendum to that report, and MZ Trading’s purported 1993 transac-            
          tion summary.  Nor shall we restate that Mr. Oliveras’ summary of            
          MZ Trading’s deposits during 1993 does not establish petitioner’s            
          claim that certain of MZ Trading’s gross receipts for 1993, which            
          it reported in its Form 1065 for 1993 and which petitioner claims            
          were deposited during that year into MZ Trading’s bank account,              
          were deposited into certain of petitioner’s accounts.                        
               63Mr. Vulis, who at all relevant times was associated with              
          Commonwealth Enterprises, did not recall the purpose of the                  
          $23,891 check that Commonwealth Enterprises issued to petitioner.            
               Petitioner failed to offer into evidence any credible                   
          documentary evidence that supports petitioner’s contention that              
          the purpose of the $23,891 check from Commonwealth Enterprises               
          was to pay MZ Trading for a transaction relating to shoes.  We               
          infer from petitioner’s failure to proffer any such documentary              
          evidence that any such evidence does not exist and that, if it               
          does exist, it would not have substantiated petitioner’s position            
          with respect to the Feb. 10, 1993 deposit at issue.                          

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