Zinovy Brodsky - Page 28

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               With respect to the August 30, 1993 alleged MZ Trading-                 
          related deposit at issue of $22,000, petitioner relies on his                
          self-serving testimony and Mr. Guterman’s testimony, on which we             
          are not required to, and we shall not, rely.73  On the record                
          before us, we find that petitioner has failed to carry his burden            
          of establishing that the August 30, 1993 alleged MZ Trading-                 
          related deposit at issue represented a gross receipt of MZ                   
          Trading for 1993 that it reported in its Form 1065 for that year.            
               With respect to the September 14, 1993 alleged MZ Trading-              
          related deposit of $17,700, as noted above, prior to the trial in            
          this case, respondent conceded that $16,700 of that deposit is               
          not taxable to petitioner.  Prior to that trial, petitioner                  
          conceded that the remaining $1,000 of the September 14, 1993                 
          alleged MZ Trading-related deposit of $17,700 constituted a                  
          taxable commission to him.  Petitioner reaffirmed at the further             
          trial in this case that he had made that concession.  Despite his            
          concession, petitioner contends on brief that no portion of the              
          September 14, 1993 alleged MZ Trading-related deposit is taxable             
          to him.  On the record before us, we conclude that petitioner                

               73Petitioner failed to call as a witness Mr. Kirdan regard-             
          ing the Aug. 30, 1993 alleged MZ Trading-related deposit at                  
          issue.  We infer from petitioner’s failure to call Mr. Kirdan                
          that his testimony with respect to that deposit would not have               
          been favorable to petitioner’s position with respect to that                 
          alleged deposit.  Petitioner also failed to offer into evidence              
          any credible documentary evidence in support of his position                 
          regarding the Aug. 30, 1993 alleged MZ Trading-related deposit.              
          We infer from petitioner’s failure to proffer any such documen-              
          tary evidence that any such evidence does not exist and that, if             
          it does exist, it would not have substantiated petitioner’s                  
          contention with respect to that deposit.                                     

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Last modified: May 25, 2011