Zinovy Brodsky - Page 23

                                       - 111 -                                         
          issue represented a gross receipt of MZ Trading for 1993 that it             
          reported in its Form 1065 for that year.                                     
               With respect to the May 3, 1993 alleged MZ Trading-related              
          deposit at issue of $37,680, petitioner contends that that                   
          deposit, which we have found was derived from a $37,680 check                
          from Mr. Vulis, represented a loan to MZ Trading relating to                 
          trade number 11, a transaction for candies, reflected in MZ                  
          Trading’s purported 1993 transaction summary.  According to                  
          petitioner, on May 4, 1993, the day after the May 3, 1993 alleged            
          MZ Trading-related deposit, a $37,680 check payable to PNH                   
          International in New York was posted on petitioner’s equity line             
          account in order to acquire on behalf of MZ Trading the candies              
          reflected in that purported summary.  In support of those conten-            
          tions, petitioner relies on his self-serving testimony and the               
          testimony of Mr. Guterman, on which we are not required to, and              
          we shall not, rely.66  As for the evidence showing a $37,680                 
          check payable to PNH International in New York on petitioner’s               
          equity line account on May 4, 1993, the only evidence in the                 
          record with respect to that check, except for petitioner’s                   
          testimony, is a copy of the statement for petitioner’s equity                
          line account.  The copy of that statement in the record does not             
          establish the payee or the purpose of the $37,680 check which was            

               66See our discussion supra note 65.  We note that, when                 
          asked at the further trial in this case, Mr. Vulis was unable to             
          remember the purpose of the $37,680 check that was used to make              
          the May 3, 1993 alleged MZ Trading-related deposit of $37,680.               

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Last modified: May 25, 2011