Zinovy Brodsky - Page 16

                                       - 105 -                                         
          find that petitioner has failed to carry his burden of establish-            
          ing that the June 1, 1993 transaction at issue and the June 11,              
          1993 deposit at issue represented rent on Mr. Reingatch’s house              
          that petitioner used to pay Mr. Reingatch’s mortgage loan.                   
               Alleged Items of MZ Trading                                             
               Petitioner contends that the following deposits consisting              
          of payments during 1993 against the balance due on petitioner’s              
          equity line account represented certain gross receipts of MZ                 
          Trading that MZ Trading had reported in its Form 1065 for 1993,              
          certain loans to MZ Trading, or a reimbursement with respect to a            
          transaction of MZ Trading:                                                   
               Date of Deposit  Amount of Deposit         Payor                        
                  2/10/93           $23,891       Commonwealth Enterprises             
                  4/26/93           22,500              Mr. Vulis                      
                  4/26/93           77,580              East-West                      
                  5/3/93            37,680              Mr. Vulis                      
                  5/3/93            30,000              East-West                      
                  5/12/93           41,950              East-West                      
                  7/9/93            6,450         Commonwealth Enterprises             
                  8/30/93           22,000              East-West                      
                  9/14/93           117,700             Mr. Kirdan                     
               1Prior to the trial in this case, respondent conceded that $16,700 of   
          the $17,700 deposit is not taxable to petitioner.                            
          (We shall sometimes refer to the foregoing deposits as alleged MZ            
          Trading-related deposits.)                                                   

          Reingatch’s behalf with respect to Mr. Reingatch’s funds and                 
          canceled checks showing that petitioner made any payments on Mr.             
          Reingatch’s mortgage loan.  We infer from petitioner’s failure to            
          proffer any such documentary evidence that any such evidence does            
          not exist and that, if it does exist, it would not have substan-             
          tiated petitioner’s position with respect to the two checks                  
          issued to him by First Marin.                                                

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Last modified: May 25, 2011