Zinovy Brodsky - Page 15

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          us, we find that petitioner has failed to carry his burden of                
          establishing that $1,224 of the August 22, 1991 deposit repre-               
          sented an advance from Mr. Dubrovsky for the purchase of a                   
          television on his behalf.                                                    
               Alleged Rental Payments                                                 
               Petitioner contends that the following deposits consisting              
          of payments against the balance due on petitioner’s equity line              
          account and the following cash that he received in connection                
          with one of those deposits, which we have found were derived from            
          two checks issued by First Marin Realty, Inc. (First Marin), are             
          not taxable.                                                                 
           Date of De-      Payor of                            Amount                 
              posit       Item Deposited   Amount of DepositNegotiated for Cash         
             6/1/93        First Marin         $3,344             $70                  
             6/11/93       First Marin         2,025              ---                  
               According to petitioner, the two checks that First Marin                
          issued to him that were the source of the foregoing deposits and             
          cash represented rent paid on Mr. Reingatch’s house that peti-               
          tioner collected, pursuant to a power of attorney, on behalf of              
          Mr. Reingatch while Mr. Reingatch was out of the United States               
          and that petitioner used to make payments on Mr. Reingatch’s                 
          mortgage loan.  In support of those contentions, petitioner                  
          relies on his self-serving testimony, on which we are not re-                
          quired to, and we shall not, rely.60  On the record before us, we            

               60Petitioner failed to offer into evidence any credible                 
          documentary evidence to support his contentions regarding the                
          checks issued to him by First Marin, such as a power of attorney             
          from Mr. Reingatch authorizing petitioner to act on Mr.                      

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