Zinovy Brodsky - Page 12

                                       - 101 -                                         
               With respect to the checks totaling the $27,474 at issue,               
          the only evidence in the record about the purpose of any of those            
          checks is petitioner’s self-serving testimony as to 14 of them               
          and Mr. Guterman’s testimony as to 1 of those 14 checks.  We are             
          not required to, and we shall not, rely on their testimony                   
          regarding those checks.56  On the record before us, we find that             
          petitioner has failed to carry his burden of establishing that               
          during 1993 $27,474 of the deposits into petitioner’s accounts,              
          including payments against the balances due on petitioner’s                  
          credit accounts and cash received in connection with certain of              
          those deposits, represented reimbursements from MZ Trading for               
          certain expenses that he had paid on its behalf.                             
               Alleged Advances To Purchase Personal Items                             
               Petitioner contends that the individuals shown below ad-                
          vanced him the following amounts that were part of the following             
          deposits, including the payment against the balance due on                   

          $27,474 at issue.  We infer from petitioner’s failure to proffer             
          any such documentary evidence that any such evidence does not                
          exist and that, if it does exist, it would not have substantiated            
          petitioner’s position with respect to those deposits.                        
               56With respect to the five checks from Mr. Guterman totaling            
          $2,112, petitioner testified that he never purchased anything for            
          Mr. Guterman.  We presume that petitioner wants us to infer from             
          that testimony that the $2,112 in checks that he received during             
          1993 from Mr. Guterman represented reimbursements by Mr. Guterman            
          for certain expenses that petitioner had paid on behalf of MZ                
          Trading.  Even if we had believed petitioner’s testimony that he             
          never purchased anything for Mr. Guterman, we would not draw any             
          such inference from any such testimony.  In any event, we are not            
          required to, and we shall not, rely on petitioner’s testimony                
          that he never purchased anything for Mr. Guterman.                           

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