Zinovy Brodsky - Page 18

                                       - 107 -                                         
          Trading’s purported 1993 transaction summary, entries appeared               
          under columns headed “cost”, “sold”, “profit”, and “expenses”.               
          Numbers and handwriting that is largely illegible appeared in                
          that purported summary under each of those columns.  We are not              
          satisfied that MZ Trading’s purported 1993 transaction summary is            
          a credible document reflecting transactions in which MZ Trading              
          engaged during 1993.  At trial, we admitted MZ Trading’s pur-                
          ported 1993 transaction summary into the record solely for the               
          limited purpose that it was a document which showed what the                 
          preparers of that document claimed to be transactions of MZ                  
          Trading during 1993.  Based on the Court’s evaluation of MZ                  
          Trading’s purported 1993 transaction summary, including the                  
          Court’s evaluation of the testimony of petitioner and of Mr.                 
          Guterman, both of whom prepared most, if not all, of that pur-               
          ported summary and both of whom we did not find to be credible,              
          we are not required to, and we shall not, rely on it.                        
               With respect to petitioner’s reliance on Mr. Oliveras’                  
          summary of MZ Trading’s deposits during 1993 in support of his               
          position regarding the alleged MZ Trading-related deposits, as we            
          stated above, even if we were to have admitted that summary into             
          the record for the truth of its content, it does not establish               
          petitioner’s claim that certain of MZ Trading’s gross receipts               
          for 1993, which it reported in its Form 1065 for 1993 and which              
          petitioner claims were not deposited during that year into MZ                
          Trading’s bank account, were deposited into petitioner’s equity              
          line account.                                                                

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Last modified: May 25, 2011