Zinovy Brodsky - Page 147

                                       - 88 -                                         
          make the May 25, 1993 deposit at issue was from East-West and               
          that those funds represented a gross receipt of MZ Trading.  In             
          support of his contentions, petitioner relies on his self-serving           
          testimony and Mr. Guterman’s testimony.  We are not required to,            
          and we shall not, rely on petitioner’s testimony regarding the              
          May 25, 1993 deposit at issue.41  Based on the Court’s evaluation           
          of Mr. Guterman’s testimony, we are not required to, and we shall           
          not, rely on his testimony with respect to that deposit.  On the            
          record before us, we find that petitioner has failed to carry his           
          burden of establishing that the May 25, 1993 deposit at issue               
          represented either a personal loan from Mr. Kirdan or a gross               
          receipt of MZ Trading that it reported in its Form 1065 for 1993.           
               Alleged Business Loans to UVW                                          
               Petitioner contends that, of the following total deposits,             
          including total payments against the balance due on petitioner’s            
          equity line account, and total cash that he received in connec-             
          tion with three of those deposits, the amounts set forth below              
          represented business loans to him:                                          

               41Petitioner failed to call Mr. Kirdan as a witness.  We               
          infer from petitioner’s failure to call Mr. Kirdan that his                 
          testimony would not have been favorable to petitioner’s position            
          regarding the May 25, 1993 deposit at issue.  Petitioner also               
          failed to offer into evidence any credible documentary evidence             
          to establish that the May 25, 1993 deposit represented either a             
          personal loan to petitioner from Mr. Kirdan to purchase elec-               
          tronic equipment or a gross receipt of MZ Trading.  We infer from           
          petitioner’s failure to proffer any such documentary evidence               
          that any such evidence does not exist and that, if it does exist,           
          it would not have substantiated either of petitioner’s inconsis-            
          tent positions with respect to that deposit.                                

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Last modified: May 25, 2011