Zinovy Brodsky - Page 149

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          sented a business loan from Mr. Kroma.  In support of that                   
          contention, petitioner relies on (1) his self-serving testimony,             
          (2) a copy of the front side of the purchaser’s copy of a $20,000            
          Bank of America cashier’s check dated June 30, 1992, that peti-              
          tioner purchased and that was payable to Mr. Kroma, which peti-              
          tioner claims was a repayment of the alleged $50,000 loan, and               
          (3) a copy of the front side of a $1,250 check dated July 13,                
          1992, that was payable to Mr. Kroma, which petitioner contends               
          was a payment of 2 months’ interest on that alleged loan.  We are            
          not required to, and we shall not, rely on petitioner’s testimony            
          regarding the alleged $50,000 loan from Mr. Kroma.  Moreover, on             
          the instant record, we are not satisfied that Mr. Kroma42 re-                
          ceived the proceeds of the $20,000 Bank of America cashier’s                 
          check dated June 30, 1992, and the $1,250 check dated July 13,               
          1992.43  That is because the record contains only the front sides            

               42We note that petitioner did not call Mr. Kroma as a wit-              
          ness with respect to the Mar. 23, 1992 deposit at issue.  We                 
          infer from petitioner’s failure to call Mr. Kroma that Mr.                   
          Kroma’s testimony would not have been favorable to petitioner’s              
          position with respect to that deposit.  We also note that peti-              
          tioner did not offer into evidence any credible documentary                  
          evidence regarding the Mar. 23, 1992 deposit at issue.  We infer             
          from petitioner’s failure to offer any such documentary evidence             
          that any such evidence does not exist and that, if any such                  
          evidence does exist, it would not have substantiated petitioner’s            
          position with respect to the alleged loan from Mr. Kroma.                    
               43Assuming arguendo that petitioner had established that Mr.            
          Kroma received the proceeds of the $20,000 Bank of America                   
          cashier’s check dated June 30, 1992, and the $1,250 check dated              
          July 13, 1992, on the instant record, we find that petitioner has            
          failed to carry his burden of showing that the proceeds of those             
          two checks constituted a repayment of the alleged $50,000 loan in            
          question and 2 months’ interest on that alleged loan, respec-                

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