Zinovy Brodsky - Page 148

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              Date of                       Total      of Cash      Amount of                                     
              Deposit       Account        Deposit     Received   Alleged Loan Alleged Lender                     
              3/23/92    Petitioner’s      $50,000       ---       $50,000           Mr. Kroma                    
                          UVW account                                                                             
              5/12/92    Petitioner’s      36,000        ---       31,167.50       Amuke Business                 
                          equity line                                               Association                   
              6/30/92    Petitioner’s       26,000       $250     26,250    Amuke Business                        
                          equity line                                               Association                   
               8/7/92    Petitioner’s      7,720         150      7,870    Amuke organiza-                        
                          UVW account                                                   tions                     
              9/11/921   Petitioner’s       3,850       ---         3,850            Mr. Vulis                    
                          UVW account                                                                             
              9/23/92    Petitioner’s       30,000       2375     30,375    Amuke organiza-                       
                          equity line                                                   tions                     
             12/15/92 Petitioner’s         30,100        ---       30,000           Mr. Syelsky                   
                          UVW account                                                                             
             12/16/92 Petitioner’s         10,500        ---       10,500           Commonwealth                  
                          UVW account                                               Enterprises                   
              1/14/93    Petitioner’s      5,000         ---       5,000   Amuke organiza-                        
                          equity line                                                   tions                     

                    1Petitioner contends that the date on which the $3,850 check was                              
             deposited into petitioner’s UVW account was Sept. 1, 1992.  However, the                             
             record shows that a $3,850 check from Commonwealth Enterprises was deposited                         
             into petitioner’s UVW account on Sept. 11, 1992, and not on Sept. 1, 1992.  We                       
             presume that petitioner’s reference to Sept. 1, 1992, was unintentional.                             
                    2Although the record does not establish that the difference between the                       
             amount of the alleged loan claimed by petitioner ($30,375) and the amount of                         
             the Sept. 23, 1992 payment against the balance due on petitioner’s equity line                       
             account ($30,000) was cash received by petitioner, petitioner appears to take                        
             that position, and respondent does not dispute it.                                                   
             Petitioner also contends that a $15,000 cashier’s check payable                                      
             to him that was issued by Home Savings of America and that he                                        
             cashed on December 4, 1991, represented a business loan from Mr.                                     
                    With respect to the March 23, 1992 deposit at issue of                                        
             $50,000, petitioner contends that that deposit, which we have                                        
             found was derived from a $50,000 check from Mr. Kroma, repre-                                        

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Last modified: May 25, 2011