Gary Friedmann - Page 44

                                       - 44 -                                         
             Dr. Strom as gross receipts on Schedule C of his 1990                    
             return.  As mentioned above, petitioner produced a                       
             handwritten list of the names of his clients and the                     
             amounts that petitioner allegedly received from these                    
             clients in 1990.  According to the handwritten list,                     
             petitioner included $28,560 from Dr. Strom in the                        
             calculation of his gross receipts for that year.                         
                  We find that the evidence petitioner adduced is                     
             insufficient to establish that amounts reimbursed by                     
             Dr. Strom were included in the computation of petitioner's               
             gross receipts for 1990.  According to the handwritten                   
             list, petitioner's gross receipts for 1990, $185,966, does               
             not equal the gross receipts reported on Schedule C of                   
             petitioner's 1990 return, $175,790.  Petitioner has failed               
             to adequately explain this inconsistency.  Furthermore,                  
             the handwritten list of fees introduced at trial is not                  
             supported by any other evidence, such as books, receipts,                
             or other documentation.                                                  
                  In addition, petitioner's testimony regarding the fees              
             of $28,560 received from Dr. Strom in 1990 and allegedly                 
             included in his gross receipts for that year is confusing.               
             At trial, petitioner testified that Dr. Strom's fees of                  
             $28,560 consisted of a $26,200 payment and "other checks                 
             representing $2,300".  In his opening brief, however,                    

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