Estate of Frank Johnson - Page 53

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                                      Appendix H                                       
                           SOURCE AND APPLICATION OF FUNDS                             
                           LARRY, RONNIE, & SYLVIA JOHNSON                             
                                    Larry Johnson                                      
          Source of Funds:                                                             
          Schedule C gross receipts                       $40,060                      
          Schedule E gross receipts                        27,698                      
          Interest income                                   2,058                      
          Sun Bank checking account                         1,341                      
          Sun Bank savings account                            923                      
          Callahan Property note receivable                 5,100                      
          Trade in for Suburban                             6,829                      
          Sun Bank Loan                                     7,500                      
          Sale of Cadillac (1979)                           4,662                      
          Total source of funds                          96,171                        
          Application of Funds:                                                        
          Schedule C expenditures                         $14,764                      
          Schedule E expenditures                           5,465                      
          Sun Bank checking account                         2,018                      
          Sun Bank savings account                            473                      
          Sun Bank CD #48290                                1,500                      
          Sec First CD # 788961830                          3,500                      
          Credithrift mortgage ($83,684) payment           18,000                      
          Constant notes payments                          15,600                      
          Credithrift mortgage ($52,500) payment            9,600                      
          Renovation: Alexander Construction                8,790                      
          Ford T-Bird (1964)                                2,000                      
          Jeep CJ-7 (1985)                                  4,285                      
          Chevrolet Astro Van (1989)                       119,329                     
          Note payments for van                             1,800                      
          Personal living expenses for 4 persons           235,803                     
          Less: Housing costs               2$5,481                                    
          Vehicle acquisition costs     23,257       (8,738)                           
          Total application of funds                    134,189                        
          Excess of applications over sources of funds  $38,018                        
               1The original S&A for Larry reflects $19,829 for this item              
          and $38,518 for excess of applications over sources of funds.                
          The parties can not explain the $500 difference.                             
               2Petitioners do not agree with the amounts reflected for                
          these items.                                                                 

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Last modified: May 25, 2011