Estate of Frank Johnson - Page 57

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                                      Appendix I                                       
                           SOURCE AND APPLICATION OF FUNDS                             
                           LARRY, RONNIE, & SYLVIA JOHNSON                             
                                    Larry Johnson                                      
          Source of Funds:                                                             
          Schedule C gross receipts                       $40,820                      
          Schedule E gross receipts                        29,780                      
          Interest income                                   2,770                      
          Sun Bank checking account                         2,018                      
          Sun Bank savings account                            473                      
          Sun Bank CD #48290                                1,500                      
          Sec First Cd #788961830                           3,500                      
          Callahan Property note receivable                 5,100                      
          Total source of funds                          85,961                        
          Application of Funds:                                                        
          Schedule C expenditures                        1$13,176                      
          Schedule E expenditures                           4,682                      
          Sun Bank checking account                         1,043                      
          Sun Bank savings account                            568                      
          Sun Bank CD #48290                                1,500                      
          Sun Bank CD #55551 (estimated)                    4,000                      
          Glendale Federal                                  3,806                      
          Credithrift mortgage ($83,684) payment           18,500                      
          Constant notes payments                          15,600                      
          Credithrift mortgage ($52,500) payment            9,600                      
          Note payments for van                             3,600                      
          Investment--Johnson Limo (1988 Cadillac Limo)     8,831                      
          Lincoln Limo (1985)                             214,414                      
          Personal living expenses for 4 persons            337,477                    
          Less: Housing costs              3$6,275                                     
          Vehicle acquisition costs    33,157       (9,432)                            
          Total application of funds                    127,365                        
          Excess of applications over sources of funds      4$41,404                   
               1Appendix 5 (Larry 1990) reflects $19,176.  That amount                 
          appears to be a typographical error.                                         
               2The original S&A for Larry reflects $14,900 for this item.             
          The parties agree that $14,414 is the correct amount.                        
               3Petitioners do not agree with the amounts reflected for                
          these items.                                                                 
               4Appendix A reflects $43,404.  The $2,000 difference                    
          represents a $2,000 item for a jet ski reflected in the original             

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Last modified: May 25, 2011