Estate of Frank Johnson - Page 55

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                                    Ronnie Johnson                                     
          Source of Funds:                                                             
          Schedule C gross receipts                       $39,410                      
          Interest income                                     321                      
          Barnett Bank saving account                       3,197                      
          Trade in for Jeep (1980)                          3,000                      
          Loan from Barnett Bank for boat                   3,200                      
          Total source of funds                          49,128                        
          Application of Funds:                                                        
          Schedule C deductions          24,761                                        
          Less: Depreciation           10,350            14,411                        
          Barnett Bank checking account                       631                      
          Barnett Bank savings                              8,097                      
          Port Orange Property seller mortgage             16,119                      
          Port Orange Property improvements                13,200                      
          Ferrari GTS 328 (1987) payments                  11,004                      
          Corvette (1974)                                  11,500                      
          Jeep (1980)                                       2,156                      
          Jeep (1982)                                       3,025                      
          Boat                                              4,000                      
          Note Payments on boat                               504                      
          Paving equipment                                 17,000                      
          Personal living expenses                        128,622                      
          Less: Housing costs              1$4,903                                     
          Vehicle acquisition costs   12,301       (7,204)                             
          Total application of funds                    123,065                        
          Excess of applications over sources of funds      $73,937                    
               1Petitioners do not agree with the amounts reflected for                
          these items.                                                                 
                                    Sylvia Johnson                                     
          Source of Funds:                                                             
          Schedule C gross receipts                       $19,710                      
          Gambling income                                  38,550                      
          Interest income                                     153                      
          Sun Bank savings account                            945                      
          Total source of funds                          59,358                        

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Last modified: May 25, 2011