Estate of Frank Johnson - Page 169

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          adjustment for taxable Social Security benefits is required.                
          Respondent agrees that the adjustment is computational.  We have            
          found that Frank and Katherine understated their income for the             
          years in issue.  Accordingly, Frank and Katherine’s income for              
          1985 though 1990 must be increased to include taxable Social                
          Security benefits which are to be computed in accordance with our           
          holdings in the instant cases.                                              
               F.  Self-Employment Taxes                                              
               Respondent contends that Frank and Katherine’s self-                   
          employment taxes should be increased as follows:                            
          Year                 Amount                                                 
          1983                 $6,676                                                 
          1984                  8,542                                                 
          1985                  9,346                                                 
          1986                 10,332                                                 
          1987                 10,774                                                 
          1988                 11,718                                                 
          1989                 12,500                                                 
          1990                 15,698                                                 
          Petitioners contend that no adjustment is required for this                 
               Section 1401(a) imposes a tax on the self-employment of                
          every individual.  Net earnings from self-employment means the              
          gross income derived by an individual from any trade or business            
          carried on by the individual, less allowable deductions                     
          attributable to the trade or business, plus certain items not               
          relevant here.  See sec. 1402(a).  The term “trade or business”             
          for purposes of the self-employment tax generally has the same              

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