Estate of Frank Johnson - Page 11

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          the taxable year.  Qualified earned income is defined as an                 
          amount equal to the excess of (a) the earned income of the spouse           
          for the taxable year, over (b) an amount equal to the sum of                
          certain deductions allowable under section 62 and properly                  
          allocable to or chargeable against earned income.  See sec.                 
               Respondent determined that both Frank and Katherine were               
          involved in Katherine’s palmistry business and, thus, allowed a             
          $3,000 married couples deduction for each of 1983 through 1986.             
          We have found that Frank was not actively involved in Katherine’s           
          palmistry business but was retired during the years 1983 through            
          1986.  He had no earned income for those years.  Consequently, we           
          hold that Frank and Katherine are not entitled to the married               
          couples deduction for 1983 through 1986.                                    
               I.  Additions to Tax and Penalties                                     
                    1.  Sections 6653(b) and 6663                                     
               Respondent also determined additions to tax for fraud under            
          section 6653(b)(1) and (2) for 1983, 1984, and 1985; under                  
          section 6653(b)(1)(A) and (B) for 1986 and 1987; and under                  
          section 6653(b)(1) for 1988; and penalties for fraud under                  
          section 6663 for 1989 and 1990.  For 1983, 1984, and 1985,                  
          section 6653(b)(1) imposes an addition to tax equal to 50 percent           
          of any underpayment in tax if any part of the underpayment was              
          due to fraud, and section 6653(b)(2) imposes a separate addition            

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Last modified: May 25, 2011