Victor Grigoraci and Judith A. Grigoraci, et al. - Page 22

          one shareholder.  Burnet v. Commonwealth Improvement Co., 287               
          U.S. 415, 420 (1932).                                                       
               The Grigoracis claim that the corporation was established              
          for the purpose of limiting Mr. Grigoraci’s potential liability             
          from the partnership.  According to respondent, the corporation’s           
          primary purpose was to allow the Grigoracis to avoid the payment            
          of Federal employment tax.  We find no evidence in the record to            
          support respondent’s position and agree with the Grigoracis.                
               The evidence clearly establishes that the primary, if not              
          the sole, reason Mr. Grigoraci formed the corporation was to                
          limit his potential, personal liability upon entering the GTWP              
          partnership.  Mr. Grigoraci had practiced accounting for many               
          years either as a general partner in other partnerships or as a             
          sole proprietorship.  There is no evidence he had a history of              
          avoiding liability for employment tax.  Not until he considered             
          joining GTWP did Mr. Grigoraci begin to use the corporate form.             
          Mr. Grigoraci claimed that he chose the corporate form because he           
          did not want to be the only partner in GTWP who was personally              
          liable for GTWP’s liabilities.  It was Mr. Grigoraci’s                      
          understanding that his potential future partners were both                  
          corporations.  Specifically, his partners were to be Trainer S              
          Corporation and Wright S Corp.  Upon seeking the advice of                  
          counsel, Mr. Grigoraci’s attorney advised him that he should use            
          the corporate form to limit his potential liability.                        

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Last modified: May 25, 2011