Walter L. Medlin - Page 75

                                       - 159 -                                        
          Taxable Income                                                              
               Reported by petitioner   $2,058                                        
               Determined by respondent $352,671                                      
               Reported by petitioner   - 0 -                                         
               Determined by respondent $160,671                                      
          Self-employment Tax                                                         
               Reported by petitioner   $509                                          
               Determined by respondent $5,166                                        
          Political Contribution Credit                                               
               Reported by petitioner        ---                                      
               Determined by respondent      $50                                      
          Earned Income Credit Recapture                                              
               Determined By Respondent      $454                                     

          Schedule C Income                                                           
               Amount Reported          Amount Determined          Total Adjustment   
               $138,653            $1,157,509          $1,018,856                     
                                                  Deduction Allowed in                
          Description of Deduction      Deduction Claimed     Notice of Deficiency    
          Appraisal expense                  ---                 $630                 
          Car and truck expenses        $5,152         - 0 -                          
          Commissions                        2,840          3,441                     
          County recording fee expenses ---                      9                    
          Depreciation expense               ---                 8,579                
          Development expense                ---                 106                  
          Dues and publications         1,649          75                             
          Engineering expenses          ---            2,272                          
          Mortgage (paid to                                                           
          financial institutions)                   ---     - 0 -                     
          Other                              619            213,685                   
          Legal and professional expenses    ---                   8,115              
          Office expense                13,104                     126                
          Repairs                       41,554                  - 0 -                 
          Taxes                         24,290                  20,509                
          Title insurance expense       ---                 10,979                    
          Travel                        2,325                  - 0 -                  
          Utilities and telephone           2,901                  - 0 -              
          Total                         94,434              268,526                   

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Last modified: May 25, 2011