Walter L. Medlin - Page 84

                                       - 167 -                                        
                               SCHEDULE C COMMISSION INCOME                           

          Notice of deficiency                                                        
               Commission income-1985        $67,749                                  
               Commission income-1986                 32,383                          
               Commission income-1987                   - 0 -                         
          Commission income-1988        - 0 -                                         
          Amounts conceded by petitioner                                              
               Commission income-1985                                                 
                    Account (Date of deposit)                                         
                    Freedom (01/03/85)  $500                                          
                    Freedom (01/18/85)       18,562                                   
                   Freedom (06/10/85)                    500                         
                   Freedom (07/22/85)                 10,530                         
                   Tucker  (03/01/85)                    157                         
                    Total                    30,249                                   
               Commission income-1986*                                                
                    Account (Date of deposit)                                         
                    Freedom (01/08/86)       $1,817                                   
                    Freedom (01/17/86)                  1,600                         
          Freedom (04/10/86)                 4,680                                    
          Freedom (06/20/86)                 5,215                                    
          Freedom (07/24/86)                 1,588                                    
          Freedom (08/01/86)                 13,558                                   
          Freedom (08/25/86)                  3,000                                   
          Freedom (10/03/86)                 600                                      
          Freedom (12/12/86)                     300                                  
                    Total                    32,358                                   
          *The amounts of commission income for 1986 were not part of respondent’s    
          reconciliation of Schedule C commission income; however, petitioner agrees to
          respondent’s requested finding that he received those amounts as income in  

          Amounts in dispute                                                          
               Commission income-1985                                                 
                    Account (Date of deposit)                                         
                    Freedom (02/06/85)       $37,500                                  
               Commission income-1986                                                 
                    None                     - 0 -                                    
          *The statutory notice of deficiency determined $32,383 as commission income 
          for 1986.  However, on brief, respondent states $32,358 as the amount of    
          commission income for 1986.  Respondent has apparently conceded the $25     
          difference between these two figures.                                       

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Last modified: May 25, 2011