Walter L. Medlin - Page 90

                                       - 172 -                                        
          Stipulated Income:                                                          
               Income Item                             Amount                         
          Miscellaneous Sch. C income             $27,019                             
          Gains from property sales                          154,924                  
          Interest income                                     10,614                  
          Commission income                       32,357                              
          Unidentified deposits                               24,186                  
          Total stipulated income                          249,100                    

          Disputed Income:                                                            

               Income Item                             Amount                         
          Gain from sale of Tract A in                                                
          Susan’s Lakefront Estate                $21,097                             
          Gain from sale of parcel in Grissom Parcels         20,502                  
          Installment gain from Silver Lake sale              12,288                  
          Gain from sale of 62.5 acres in East Lake Vista     92,502                  
          Gain from exchange of Arrowhead Lakes Subd.                                 
          for Angel-Royse Property                     60,706                         
          Interest income from Silver Lake mortgage            5,805                  
          Unidentified deposits                                9,638                  
          Total disputed income                   222,538                             

          Total income relied upon by respondent (stipulated income +                 
          disputed income):  $471,638                                                 
          Less reconstructed Sch. C expenses                                          
          (after concessions on brief):  $298,656                                     
          Less itemized deductions:  - 0 -                                            
          Less nonitemized contributions:  $48                                        
          Less personal exemptions:  $2,160                                           
          Taxable income:  $170,774                                                   
          Tax liability (based on head of household filing status):                   
          Plus self-employment tax:  $5,166                                           
          CLAIMED UNDERPAYMENT FOR 1986:  $74,889                                     

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Last modified: May 25, 2011