Walter L. Medlin - Page 77

                                       - 160 -                                        
          Itemized Deductions                                                         
               Reported by petitioner        ---                                      
               Determined by respondent $41,021                                       

          Personal Exemptions                                                         
               Reported by petitioner (2)$3,800                                        
               Determined by respondent (2)      $3,800                               
          Taxable Income                                                              
               Reported by petitioner   $37,879                                       
               Determined by respondent 845,510                                       
               Reported by petitioner   $7,515                                        
               Determined by respondent $316,971                                      
          Self-employment Tax                                                         
               Reported by petitioner   $5,387                                        
               Determined by respondent $5,387                                        

          Schedule C Income                                                           
               Amount Reported          Amount Determined          Total Adjustment   
               $61,921             $576,668            $514,747                       
                                                       Deduction Allowed in           
          Description of Deduction      Amount of Deduction   Notice of Deficiency    
          Advertising expense                ---            $265                      
          Appraisal expense             ---                 1,500                     
          Car and truck expenses             $986           - 0 -                     
          Commissions                        3,750                   3,467            
          County recording fee expenses      ---            146                       
          Depreciation expense               ---                 8,579                
          Development expense                ---                 604                  
          Dues and publications              555            - 0 -                     
          Engineering expenses               ---                 9,500                
          Mortgage (paid to                                                           
          financial institutions)                   ---     - 0 -                     
          Other                         19,272              222,133                   
          Legal and professional services    3,986                   5,885            
          Office expense                     823                 173                  
          Repairs                       10,182              - 0 -                     
          Taxes                              510                  56,057              
          Title insurance                               0                  (1,435)    

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Last modified: May 25, 2011