Delaware Corp., et al. - Page 57

                                       - 57 -                                         
          any of such preparers.  Westbrook v. Commissioner, supra; Weis v.           
          Commissioner, supra; Ma-Tran Corp. v. Commissioner, supra.  On              
          that record, we further find that petitioners have failed to                
          carry their burden of establishing that they had reasonable cause           
          for, and that they acted in good faith with respect to, relying             
          on any advice of Mr. Braun, or any other professional, regarding            
          the disputed property expenses, the Virginia Beach property                 
          depreciation deductions, the legal fees with respect to the                 
          Mitchums Creek property, and the disputed child care expenses.              
          See sec. 6664(c)(1).                                                        
               Based upon our examination of the entire record before us,             
          we find that each petitioner has failed to show that such peti-             
          tioner was not negligent and did not disregard rules or regula-             
          tions within the meaning of section 6662(b)(1), or otherwise did            
          what a reasonable person would do, with respect to any portion of           
          the underpayment for any of the years at issue.  Based on that              
          examination, we further find that each petitioner has failed to             
          show that such petitioner acted with reasonable cause and in good           
          faith with respect to any portion of the underpayment for any of            
          the years at issue.  See sec. 6664(c).  Based upon our examina-             
          tion of the entire record before us, we find that each petitioner           
          has failed to establish that such petitioner is not liable for              
          the years at issue for the accuracy-related penalties under                 

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